Friday, February 1, 2019

Delta Loop Set Back!

Calamity, the home brew Delta Loop Antenna has broken. With the high winds and the mini Blizzard we are suffering this morning, there must have been a strong gust and one of the fibre glass poles broke. 

Looks like it's broken clean in two which is a pity, but I have to admit I new it was pretty flimsy so it's not exactly unexpected. But the wind must have been reasonably strong for it to break a glass fibre pole!

I suspect somewhere I have a spare pole or certainly a section hidden away so I should be able to replace. But obviously I'll have to wait till the weather clears. In the meantime I just have the Hustler antenna to play with so all is not lost.

Talking of playing, I received an email from the guy I was hoping to do a deal for the new K3 but that has unfortunately fallen through. The chap decided he wanted to keep his radio. So With the FTDX 9000 MP currently in storage, I thought I'd have another play with it today and unpacked it. Of course once unpacked and set up I was wondering what an earth I was doing trying to swap it, it is such a beautiful radio, I must have been having a mad moment!

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